Planned electricity supply upgrade – Cowles Rd, Mosman. CONSAC Cable Replacement Program

As part of Ausgrid’s capital works program, Ausgrid is replacing the existing underground low voltage
electricity cables in Mosman. These cables supply electricity to the homes and businesses in the area.
The cables have reached the end of their serviceable life and will be replaced, to enable Ausgrid to
maintain a safe and reliable electricity supply. Syscon have been engaged by Ausgrid to complete this

The work will involve laying electricity cable under the roadway and some footpath. This work will be
carried out on Cabramatta Road, Cowles Road & Wolger Road.

Construction hours (7am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays)
The work will take place during standard construction hours and is planned to start on 17th January
2022. We anticipate it will take up to two weeks to complete, weather and ground conditions permitting.
Please refer to the attached map overleaf for the location of the work.

For enquiries related to construction, please contact Syscon on 4355 1716 or via (Reference C01537 & address in the subject line).

Posted 2022-01-25. Last Modified 2022-01-25