Council Contractor Stateline Asphalt Pty Ltd will be undertaking rehabilitation works at Raglan Street West Carpark. The works include resurfacing the carpark, kerb and gutter works and miscellaneous civil works. The replacement of trees would be undertaken as per the attached plan.
The Works is scheduled to commence on 15 July 2020 and estimated to be completed within two weeks, weather permitting.
[Update] The concrete and asphalt works is expected to complete Friday 31 July 2020, weather permitting. The tree planting and vegetation works is expected to commence mid-august.
The carpark will not be available for parking during the works, however through access to Avenue Road and businesses will be maintained.
Please ensure that your vehicles are NOT parked within the carpark and Council requests your cooperation to comply with the temporary traffic control measures. The work areas will be barricaded during the works.
Council has advised the Contractor to minimise possible noise disturbance. However due to the type of machinery used for these works, some noise impacts are unavoidable.
Work updates will be posted on this page.