Sydney Water is working to improve the wastewater network in Mosman.
This is part of Sydney Water’s Wet Weather Internal Surcharge Program which aims to minimise wastewater spills, overflows and drainage issues that occur during wet weather (heavy rains).
Upgrades will include a new wastewater pipe on Glen Street and six new maintenance holes in the roadway and road verges in Glen Street and Killarney Street. Work will involve excavating in the roadway and road verges to install the new infrastructure.
Sydney Water plan to start construction in late February 2022 and work will take approximately three months.
Detours and traffic changes
• Glen Street will be closed to general traffic for the duration of our work. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.
• Signage and temporary traffic lights will be in place to guide traffic along the detour routes.
Temporary site compound at Stan McCabe Park
• To support our work, we will need to establish a temporary site compound in Stan McCabe Park on Bay Street.
• The compound will be used for a small site office, crew amenities and storage of pipes and equipment
• The area will be fenced off for the safety of the community and access to the park will be limited. Once our work is complete the park will be reopened as normal.
Notifications will be issued to the local community again closer to work starting near you and Sydney Water will continue to keep you updated as the work progresses.
For more information on this project please call or email Sydney Water’s community engagement team at or call 1800 943 119 or you can visit the Improving our wastewater network in Mosman | Sydney Water Talk on Sydney water’s website.
Sydney Water – Upcoming work on Glen and Killarney Street
Posted 2022-02-04.
Last Modified 2022-07-05